DataFeedWatch Blog | Data feed optimization tips

DataFeedWatch AI: The new era of product feed management starts today

Written by Jacques van der Wilt | August 8, 2024 7:53:26 AM Z

Today we’re excited to share that DataFeedWatch by is now embedded with AI, transforming the way marketers handle feed management operations. 

We’re kicking things off by infusing AI into a few key areas that have proven to be the most time-consuming for advertisers, as well as the ones that cause the most errors and have the biggest impact on ad campaign quality. 

While doing so, we kept some key goals in mind: 

  • Staying human

We believe AI best empowers you as a copilot, working alongside your human PPC insight. That's how we've designed the solution: to remove the mental burden of feed management tasks while keeping you in the driver's seat.

  • Creating AI that is helpful, not overpowering

In our dedication to enabling marketers with intuitive solutions, we made sure the AI enhancements can be easily deployed or switched off within your product feeds.

  • Using our expertise to create unique a AI solution 

With our years of experience in the PPC world, we have a unique knowledge of what customers want and what advertising platforms require. From that, we've provided high-quality, AI-powered feeds through a smart mix of existing technology and infrastructure. 

There’s a lot of exciting stuff to unpack here! Let’s get into it.


The PPC community asked for AI. We listened.

According to the PPC Survey 2024, 50% of PPC advertisers wished their feed management tool offered AI solutions. 

With our mission of helping brands grow and being innovators at heart, we decided to bring in a new era at DataFeedWatch - product feed optimization powered by AI. 

Our priority was building an AI solution that would be helpful in an extremely practical way. It was also built with the AI skeptic in mind. Is that you? Perhaps we can sway you with the points below.

What are the benefits of using DataFeedWatch AI? 


We know you’re busy. 

So any areas where you can trim down the time spent on a task is much needed. 

Setting up new stores, channels, and clients is even faster now - leaving you with more time for strategy. It will also help you reduce the time spent fixing lingering errors, resulting in more products being pushed out with active campaigns. 

Which leads us to the next benefit…

Better feed quality

Your data will be optimized across titles and descriptions. Missing data fields like color, sizes, and product category will be filled in automatically, reducing errors and increasing visibility. 

Total control

We completely get that you might want to stick with your original optimizations, whether that be due to strict brand voice guidelines or something else.

That’s why you’ll be able to decide whether you want to use the AI-generated optimizations, or stick with yours. The choice is always up to you!  

A/B testing 

In today’s fast-paced and competitive PPC space you need to continuously look for improvements and growth hacks.

A great place to start is running your existing titles against AI-generated titles through A/B testing. See which perform best and go with the winner to increase your campaign performance. 

No extra cost

Our AI solutions are included in each plan because we want to make sure that these AI powers are accessible to all PPC marketers and ecommerce businesses. 



How will AI transform your feed optimization strategy?

Now let’s get into the nitty gritty details of exactly how AI will transform your feeds. 

Create better titles and descriptions, with incredible speed

All the relevant information from your source feed is used to create new titles that are aligned with industry best practices. 

And that’s not all. You can also create AI-generated product descriptions with a click of a button.

The result? Richer titles and descriptions, helping your products appear for more relevant searches.  

Tip: AI titles and descriptions will automatically generate for any new Shopping and Facebook channel you set up (you can turn these off if you want to). If you’re already a DataFeedWatch customer you can optimize your existing channels with AI by going into your mapping and choosing it from the dropdown menu.

Automatically fill in missing attributes

We know your “I should do” list is constantly growing. And if you’re like a lot of advertisers that includes filling in missing attributes that might be causing product errors. 

From now on with DataFeedWatch, missing color and size attributes can automatically be filled in. 

How does it work?

The AI will comb through your existing data (for example, titles and descriptions) to find the size and color data for your products. 

Whether you’re an account manager onboarding another agency client, or an in-house PPC expert at an ecommerce brand, DataFeedWatch does the work for you. You won’t need to search through your product data any more in order to find the information you need.

Clearing out these errors in bulk will allow more products to be shown, increasing the possibility of conversions. 

Categorize your products according to Google’s taxonomy 


That’s how many product categories there are in Google’s taxonomy. 

And the more products you have, the more time consuming it can be to select the best branch for your products. 

But why is it important to take the time to do it anyway? 

Because the more accurate your product category is within Google’s taxonomy, the better Google will know when to show your products. 

We’ve made this process a whole lot easier with AI-suggested product categories. You can also go in for each product to review the chosen category and change it if you think another one is more accurate. 

DataFeedWatch AI isn't stopping here

This is just the first step to integrating AI into DataFeedWatch for empowering your feed management strategy. Our team is working hard on the next improvements, so stay tuned!


DataFeedWatch AI FAQs

What channels and languages can I use DataFeedWatch AI with?

For now, AI optimization is exclusively available for Google Shopping and Facebook feeds in English. But in alignment with our mission to help brands grow, we do have plans to expand the channels that are available in the future. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as soon as more are added. 

How will AI power my product feed management?

With AI now fully embedded into DataFeedWatch you can create optimized titles and descriptions, fill in data for missing size and color attributes, and categorize your products according to Google’s taxonomy - all with the click of a button. 

How does AI-generated data align with channel standards?

Our AI was designed with the industry best practices for advertising channels. Plus, we always want to give you the choice of when and where to use the AI-generated outcomes so you can be sure your campaigns are running with the highest quality feeds at all times. 

Does DataFeedWatch AI come with an additional fee?

Nope! We’re happy to say that AI is now included in all pricing plans at no additional charge. Our mission is to make AI-powered feeds accessible to digital advertisers of all shapes and sizes. 

Can I turn the AI on and off for certain categories or products?

You sure can. While mapping your product feed, you can set up a rule that specifies to use your original titles for certain product categories and then use AI-generated titles for the rest. 

How does the AI generate new titles and descriptions?

For AI-optimized titles and descriptions, the relevant data from your store and internal fields in DataFeedWatch will be used to create new titles and descriptions according to industry best practices.

What level of quality can I expect from AI-generated titles?

The AI will keep what is already in your title and then enrich it with other data from your feed. For example, it might add color or size if they weren't in your titles. Your AI-generated titles will also be crafted to improve readability and correct any spelling and grammar mistakes, all while adhering to best practices and adding in relevant keywords. 

Can I A/B test AI titles against my current titles?

Yes, you definitely can! And we encourage it - it’s a great growth hack. You can test your original titles against the AI-generated titles to determine which one performs better. After that, you can choose the winner to increase your campaign performance.

Where does the AI source missing size and color data from?

Our AI will comb through your source data to find and fill in the missing size and color attributes. However, if the data isn’t already in your shop then these attributes won’t be populated with AI. 

What if I don’t like the AI output?

No worries. If you aren’t quite satisfied yet with the AI generated outcomes, you can always use your original mapping. Our AI has been thoroughly tested for accuracy across a comprehensive range of product categories. We know that you may have certain guidelines you need to follow and that each business is unique. That’s why it’s important to us to provide you with full control over the outcome. 

Will I be able to preview the AI-generated outcomes?

Absolutely! The preview function works for AI generated fields the same as it does for other fields so you can always check it before saving the changes. You can also download all the AI-generated input fields as an excel file.

What benefits can I expect from using AI for product feed management?

By using AI to manage your feed optimization you’ll be able to save hours of your time and have peace of mind knowing that your data is optimized according to channel best practices.