Dynamic marketing is an important part of any online retail marketing strategy. It delivers personalized ads to people who have visited your web shop before. When these previous visitors leave your shop and continue shopping elsewhere, they will see ads for products that they viewed in your shop.
This will result in increased conversions. You can set up a dynamic marketing campaign in Google AdWords through your Merchant Center. It is not hard to do, but does require the use of several specific fields. You can add these fields to your Google feed with DataFeedWatch. We’ll discuss how to use each of them below.
This allows you to assign an id to an item that is different than its id in Google Shopping. As with Google Shopping, all ids must be unique, even across feeds. You can use this field if you want to have different ids for your items in your dynamic marketing campaign than you do in your Google Shopping campaign.
This field is optional and allows you to recommend similar items from your own shop in the dynamic product ad. All you need to do is input the id of the item you want appear as recommended. This attribute can be added 10 times for each item.
This allows you to give an item a different title than the one it has in Google Shopping. However, AdWords still requires the same guidelines for naming your products, and all variant products must still include the name of the parent item.
This allows you to set a link to an item that is different than the link used in Google Shopping. This can be useful in tracking how people are getting to your product. In order for this field to work properly "http://" must be included in the beginning of the link.
This allows you to set the margin of an item.
This allows you to prioritize which items might be shown in a dynamic display ad. There are only three options: preferred, regular, and blacklisted. Preferred items have a higher likelihood of being displayed.
Blacklisted items won't show up in recommendations, unless a user has previously viewed the item on your site. Regular items are not given any special consideration. If this field is left blank, items will be treated as regular by default.

This allows you to decide where a certain item will be displayed. You can choose not to advertise an item in display ads, in which case it will only show on Google Shopping.
This allows you to group items by one specific attribute. You can then run campaigns just for certain items, and set different bids for different groups of items. This field does not exist in Google Shopping campaigns.
This allows you to give an item multiple labels. It can be used together with the grouping label. This field does not exist in Google Shopping campaigns.