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Why Monitor Google Ads Profits? Tips to Switch from ROAS to POAS

Written by Veronika Höller | May 7, 2024 7:15:42 AM Z

In the world of marketing a common scenario unfolds when it comes to Google Ads campaigns. Imagine this: after putting in hours of planning and optimizing, your campaigns go live.

The click through rates are on the rise and the ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) numbers look promising. At glance it seems like you've hit the jackpot.

However, once everything settles down a nagging question emerges... "Am I truly benefiting profit-wise?"

I found myself caught in this situation not long ago. Despite the ROAS figures there was a missing piece—the clear grasp of profitability. This realization prompted me to shift towards a new metric: Profit on Ad Spend (POAS).

A revelation from the PPC Mastery Group struck a chord with me; an astonishing 80% of Google Ads accounts may be overlooking profit data. This statistic was revealing, emphasizing the switch from tracking revenue to conducting thorough profit analysis.

Advocating for profit-focused marketing

Businesses thrive not solely based on clicks or conversions, but on profits.

Incorporating profit monitoring into your Google Ads campaigns can help you understand which strategies truly boost your profits. 

Some of the benefits are:

Discovering hidden opportunities
Some campaigns that may seem average at glance could actually be driving significant sales with high margins. Profit tracking sheds light on these hidden gems.

Eliminating unprofitable activities
With profit tracking it becomes easier to detach from campaigns that are not performing well allowing you to reallocate your budget towards initiatives.

Customizing for profitability
By adjusting bids and budgets based on gains rather than just clicks you can optimize your advertising spending for maximum profitability.



Making the shift to profit-oriented advertising 

Transitioning from Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) to Profit On Ad Spend (POAS) requires an strategic approach.

Here are three practical steps to help you navigate this change:

  1. Seamless integration
    Ensure that Google Ads and Analytics work seamlessly together enabling a flow of data for profit calculations.

  2. Meaningful conversion tracking
    Recognize that not all interactions hold the value. Monitor conversions that represent customers worth aligning them with your business goals.

  3. Data importation
    Importing transaction data, including costs and revenues linked to each conversion, is extremely important. You can achieve this through CSV uploads or by configuring custom conversions to automate data synchronization. 

Exploring the range of metrics provided by Google Ads is needed, especially when focusing on profit margins and overall profitability. These key indicators play a role in evaluating the financial impact of your advertising campaigns.

You need to strike a balance between ROAS and POAS. By looking at both metrics in tandem you can gain an understanding of how your campaigns are performing in terms of health and profitability.

When it comes to optimizing your strategy beyond the basics there are techniques to consider:

Smart bidding
Customize Google Ads automatic bidding methods to prioritize profitability ensuring that every dollar spent contributes to your line. 

Segmentation and analysis
Dive into your campaign data by organizing it according to types of campaigns, audience demographics or product categories to discover insights.

Propensity and CLV integration
Utilize models to forecast conversion probabilities and incorporate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) into your strategy, for long term profitability.

Avoiding common mistakes

Moving towards POAS presents its set of challenges:

  • Setting goals
  • Ensuring integration of data
  • Choosing appropriate bidding strategies
  • Maintaining a vigilant eye on performance monitoring.
But regular testing, refinement and seeking guidance when needed can help ease the transition.

The future of Profit On Ad Spend 

Transitioning to POAS is poised to benefit from enhanced data transparency, automation advancements and AI-driven improvements that usher in an era of profit-focused marketing.

This shift promises an understanding and optimization of the outcomes from your Google Ads campaigns.
This is the best way to present compelling arguments for budgets to the C-suite.

What exactly do I get out of it?

We wanted a budget increase for our Google Ads. To convince the C-suite, we compared the revenue against the ad spend, and the results were so compelling that we secured a 45% increase.

Over 12 months, we spent €36,000 on Google Ads for a special campaign and generated a revenue of €210,000. These are solid figures that higherups understand and accept.


Real life Example: A strategic shift from ROAS to POAS by a health sector SaaS company



A prominent SaaS company in the healthcare technology sector has solidified its position by offering cutting edge software solutions to healthcare providers.

Despite their accomplishments, the marketing team faced a challenge: understanding the profitability of their Google Ads campaigns. While their ROAS metrics indicated advertising success they sought insights into the performance of these campaigns.

Importing transaction data
Automated systems were set up to bring in transaction data to Google Ads providing access to revenue and cost details for each conversion.

Introducing new metrics
The team started keeping an eye on POAS, profit margin and total profit metrics within Google Ads to evaluate the success of their campaigns.

Optimization and testing 
By utilizing these metrics HealthTech Solutions consistently tested their strategies. They fine tuned their campaigns by focusing on those that yielded profits.

Shifting to a profit-oriented advertising strategy has proven beneficial by:

  1. Increasing profits: Over a six month period the company saw a 25% increase in profits from their Google Ads campaigns.

  2. Adjusting resource allocation: Ineffective campaigns were either enhanced for results. Discontinued altogether allowing resources to be redirected towards more profitable endeavors.

The adoption of POAS has empowered the marketing team to make decisions regarding budget allocation, campaign strategies and marketing plans. Through data driven reports presented to stakeholders they have gained insights into the effectiveness of their marketing investments boosting confidence in the team's approach.



Shifting from Return on Advertising  (ROAS) to Profit on AD Spend (POAS) signifies a transformation that harmonizes marketing strategies with a company's line. This strategic adjustment guarantees that advertising initiatives play a role in advancing and prospering your business.

Keep in mind the real significance of marketing resides in its ability to drive profits rather than clicks. Embrace this transition with a mindset that perceives POAS as your beacon providing clarity and expertise to navigate Google Ads constantly evolving terrain confidently.