Turning product feeds into compelling Search Ads.

  • Create powerful ads with an ad-pattern builder
  • Generate unique keywords per product
  • Optimize your bids based on price or margin

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Update ads and keywords for thousands of products in minutes

Automatically generate ad groups and keywords for each product

Generate keywords using product titles or your own unique combinations, such as product type + color + size.

Have complete control over how long or short keywords will be.

Create unique responsive search ads for every product

Add product-specific information including product name, price or category by simply dragging&dropping.

Create conditions to turn ads on&off based on time, or create separate ad copies for products on sale.

Get complete control over your bidding strategy

Choose the most optimal bidding strategy in 3 simple steps or go to the advanced options and fine-tune the bidding strategy to the finest detail.

Target CPA & CPC based on the product's price or your margins.

Cover all Search Traffic with 4 campaign types

Choose to advertise individual products by creating product campaigns with long high-converting keywords.

Or create group campaigns with short generic keywords and high search volume.

And for no-frills users, simply select the Dynamic Search Ads campaign option.

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